Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My Precious Little Life: Why I resemble Scott Pilgrim too much.

Picture above: not you
A common technique a writer uses in their story, whether it be a book, comic, movie, video game, etc., is to create a main character that represents the audience.  The main character's personality will reflect the target audience as much as possible, and when the writer is shooting for a wide audience the protagonist becomes even more of an everyman.  The reason for this is obvious, if the protagonist in the story you're reading/watching is like YOU, then you're going to empathizewith them more and care about what happens to them (because your subconscious actually thinks it's battling the Great Demon of the Hellscape to rescue the Princess Lolicon.  Because your brain is stupid). Because this is a easy writing technique and because it can often lead to bland characters if done incorrectly, main characters like this are often criticized.  If done well however, a protagonist like this can not only make us empathize with them, but learn something more about ourselves or work through our personal demons with them.  Nowhere is this done better for me than in Scott Pilgrim.

BT-dubs, if you haven't read the 6 Scott Pilgrim graphic novels or at least watched the Scott Pilgrim vs. The Universe movie, then 1) tsk tsk, you're the reason Hollywood keeps producing shitty bland movies and you should be ashamed of yourself, and 2)it's okay I forgive you.  Not really.  Go watch/read them now.  I'll wait here.


Good, well as you should know by now the Scott Pilgrim story is written for the current 20-30 year old demographic.  It's about my generation, which falls between the people who grew up with Super Mario Bros. and Thundercats up to the people who grew up with Ocarina of Time and Animaniacs.  I feel like I'm right at the epicenter of said generation (okay, maybe younger by a year or two), which is evidenced by the fact I share the same age with the title character, Scott Pilgrim.  Scott Pilgrim is carefully crafted to be a representation of me (well, not ME, but my peers and I).  A lazy, self-absorbed slacker obsessed with video games and not growing up.  Many of my peers may resent that image of us, but I realized yesterday how true an portrait it is, at least for myself. 

Two of my least favorite main characters in Scott Pilgrim, were the two MAIN characters, Scott Pilgrim and Ramona Flowers.  Sure he's funny, sure she's ridiculously pretty, but they're both such bad people.  While the supporting cast was full of vibrant, interesting people, all of them really great or terrible individuals, the couple at the center of it all were so.... realistically compromised.  Scott's a lazy geek and Ramona's one of a thousand cool chicks hiding from their oh-too-common personal demons.  They're both bad people, but not bad enough to be evil.  But I'm also understanding another reason I'm not the biggest Scott fan: he's too much like me.

I'm lazy.  I'm obsessed with trivial things like geek culture.  I have a dark side that I run from (or embrace, depending on my mood and childish-ness).  I've self-absorbed to the point where I assume I'm the main character in movie.  I've had a problem with this whole impending adulthood thing since high school (uh, note to self, it's not "impending" anymore.  It's here).  I hate doing grownup things like bills because, to quote Scott, "It's haaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrd".  While my aversion to adult responsibilities may be a little more complicated then his because they include this immature idea of not wanting to compromise myself, there's still a lot more in common with us that I'd care to admit.

I realized this after my wife told me some bad news: the repairs to her car were going to cost a little more then expected, due to a part that broke most likely due to my fast driving over bumps.  While it's easy for me to stop speeding, I've done it before, what's not easy to stop is speeding to work because I'm late.  I'm chronically late to everything in life, 3-10 min late to things I HAVE to be at on time, like work or class, and 30-60 min late to things I want to go to like parties.  It's.... haaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrddddd for me NOT to be late.  My sense of time and judgement calls go out the window in the 30 min before I have to be somewhere.  It doesn't matter if I give myself 2 extra hours of time, I'll still be a couple minutes late to someplace.  I'll watch an extra video on the internet, not stop watching tv, or read a book while using the bathroom.  My wife suggested that to stop this I should not do ANYTHING before work, just wake up, shower, shave, eat without stimulus, get dressed, and leave.  The thought made me queasy and indignant, and immediately refused.  I was then realized that I would knowingly damage my wife's car, which she worked so hard paying off for, just for myPRECIOUS LITTLE LIFE.  All of Scott's actions came rushing towards me, and I understood that despite being married and working full time, I'm almost as selfish and immature as Scott Pilgrim.  Lazy too; I have projects to work on, a children's book I could be writing or art I could be drawing. But I don't.  I lounge around as much as possible, wasting my time with banalities like the internet.  I could blame a large amount of this on my ADHD, but I won't.  It's mostly me.

Well done with the whole holding a mirror onto society with your art Bryan Lee O'Malley.  Well done.

So I really need to GET IT TOGETHER.  The only question is, how?  I guess, like Scott, in baby steps.

So here's to my future, and hopefully my FINEST HOUR.


  1. i liked the movie but not because i was the characters, but that i knew them. i am not like Scott nor do i really find Ramona all that big of a deal. actually the movie left me scratching my head at what all the fuss was about over her, she didn't seem worth fighting for and too 1 dimensional. not the best developed character IMHO. yet many of my friends are like scott, yourself included, who worry about growing up and yet still keeping their integrity. never an issue for me. i knew i would be immature all my life, yet to find times when i can be my immature self and when i need to wear my "big boy pants." finding that balance is key.

    showing up on time and being prepared would be a good first step. it may go against your Myers-Briggs type (as you are a P and not a J). i would recommend taking a test and determining your typology as well as your philosophical stance on being on time or not. asking these questions and determining your typology would be a good start. here's to hope'n for good insights as you start your journey!

  2. Yeah, Selina told Kim she thought the two least likeable and interesting characters were Scott and Ramona. I certainly think the two are good together for that reason; they're equally moral, and equally damaged by common life occurrences. Calling Ramona 1 dimensional might be a little harsh, especially for comic Ramona, since multiple personality traits and growth do occur. But she so common in real life I can see how you would be bored of her. Many of my friends and acquaintances are like her, a blend of hipster chick/independent woman/damaged goods, so much to the point that they look all the same to me. Gotta love Ramona's hair though!

    "never an issue for me. i knew i would be immature all my life, "(LOVE IT)" yet to find times when i can be my immature self and when i need to wear my "big boy pants." finding that balance is key."
    That's awesome man, and reminds me of this awesome character from an awesome anime called Baccano! (16 episodes, ensemble piece, Tarantino time-jump narrative, 60% action-adventure 25% comedy 15% fantasy, set in prohibition-era America, still free on Hulu, watch it sometime). His name is Jacuzzi Splot, and for most of the series you see him as a whiny cry-baby. During the climax he immediately mans up without a second thought. It's explained in a flashback that Jacuzzi decided that he'll never be able to stop crying and or worrying, and that for now on he will just let himself cry whenever he feels like it so he does not have to when he needs to be courageous. I often talk to Kim about him, because she also suffers from being a natural crybaby, but that technique could work on me too. Maybe the question raised by Jeff in the Community season 1 finale "Do you try to be true to yourself or try to evolve?" can be answered by letting yourself be yourself when you have the luxury to, but being able to be more than that when the situation demands it. BTW, I was interrupted while writing that last sentence by Kim crying because she has to write some autobiography of sorts for that hospital internship thing you guys do, so I hugged her and told her exactly what I just wrote.

    So I took the test, and I have to say:
    1)there's a reason anyone with above average intelligence criticizes tests like these, IQ tests, D&D alignment charts, and Cosmo love quizzes. The idea that you can surmise something as complicated as personality, intelligence, or morality with a couple of simple T/F questions is ridiculous. Many of those questions were fucking terrible, as you could see from my facebook status. Good old Wikipedia says that test is under heavy criticism and gone under little scientific testing, which is making me see why you, Sage, and so many others are critical of Psychology being a science.

    2)It's scary how accurate those IQ tests, D&D alignment charts, and Cosmo love quizzes can be sometimes huh? My result was Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Perceiving and EVERY SINGLE THING ON THIS PAGE IS RIGHT ABOUT ME:

  3. For some reason I can't post the link because its too short? Whatever

  4. Seriously, if you took all that information added the symptoms of ADHD (attention deficient, impulsiveness, hyperactivity) and it's secondary side effects like novelty seeking, blend them together, then insert an affinity for geek culture, and you would pretty much get me. Like, almost all of me. Put that mind through my specific life circumstances, and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between us. How'd you guess I'd be P haha? I'm curious as to what yours is, and Kim is pretty sure she remembers being my opposite, which is not surprising. How am I supposed to apply this to being on time now? I mean, I WANT to be on time for important things, in the sense that not only do I not like breaking the Man's rules (weird with the rest of me, right?) but because I value keeping my job to feed myself and my current/future family to be of a slightly higher priority then getting to do whatever I desire. If you mean do I have a problem with timely-ness... no, not really. I don't consider watching another internet video to be a declaration of my independence and human rights, but an indulging of my hedonistic desires, or id if Freud was still taken seriously by modern Psychology. So therefore it is a trait that I would in fact like to improve on.


  6. i love psychology, yet i don't find it to be very scientific. you're dealing with humans... and these are not rational creatures but creatures who can reason (tired of me saying that yet?).

    Myers-Briggs is freaky scary. once you let your guard down and take it.. this is the take home test, the "real" test is much longer and more involved and actually asks you these same questions in like 4 to 6 different ways as to get your guard down and get "to your true self." my ENTP/J is exactly spot on. sometimes i'm 1 point into P others 1 point into J, it's like i can't make up my mind to be on a schedule or not. freaky scary. glad you got a lot out of it. i have taken the MBTI so many times i now categorize and classify people unconsciously to pretty stunning accuracy. helps me order my world a little bit.

    i have the SPvsW comic on order from the library. need to flesh out the Ramona character... although i do love her hair! you're right there!

    i am also a fan of D&D alignments, i usually come out neutral good. wonder what Jesus would be? have i told you i'm playing D&D once a month with some members of the congregation? yeah, church totally rules!

  7. Awesome! I still haven't found a D&D group to play with...

    I think Jesus would be either Neutral Good or Chaotic Good, it depends. Oh, and if you've never taken the official quiz, here it is. You just have to pretend you're in a fantasy setting, because the test is there for your characters, not for you:


    I always thought I was Lawful Neutral, but while taking the test I assumed my honest answers would give me something different. It didn't. Kim took it and got Lawful Good.
